Profile Summary
Ever since I was a little kid, I had a special attachment to Computer, I always used to think about how computer/mobile software works? at that time it was no less than magic for me. I didn't have a computer when I was in high school so I used to go to cyber cafes to use that. I still remember how happy I was, when I had written the first program to calculate the sum of two numbers in the C programming language. I was very much interested in web development so along with C, I had started learning HTML/CSS/Javascript.
The passion carried me through my education at RIMT Institute of Engineering and Technology (Punjab Technical University). Here there were more resources available and it was a great opportunity for me to utilize the resources to learn all the things that I wanted to learn. I studied new languages Java, C++, algorithms, mathematics, etc., and continuously improved my web development skills (HTML/CSS/Javascript). Learned about Computer architecture, Software development life cycle, Cloud computing.
I had started my career as a Salesforce developer and still working on the Salesforce platform and providing customer solutions using force.com. So, now, in the industry, the passion to learn more remains with me. I have just started learning a new programming language Python.
My specialties include quick learning new skills and programming languages, problem-solving, best practices, web development, sharing knowledge with the trailblazer Community. So far I have Apex, Lightning Component (AURA Framework), LWC, Visulaforce, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Salesforce configuration (Sharing settings, Flows, Approval Process, Lighting app builder, etc), Salesforce CI/CD under my belt. I have started learning Mulesoft, Salesforce Web Analytics.